Get a firsthand look at life as a Bryant student.
Complete your undergraduate degree in Healthcare Informatics in three years before enrolling in Bryant’s Master of Science in Healthcare Informatics and AI.
Bryant’s 3+1 Accelerated M.S. in Healthcare Informatics and AI is an innovative direct path that allows you to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in four years — preparing you for career success in a highly sought after field.
Fueled by rapid advancements in technology, data collection, and information management, health informatics has become one of the nation’s fastest-growing job sectors. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts careers in health informatics will grow 32% in the coming years, and the rise of artificial intelligence is prompting an evolutionary shift in healthcare that requires a skilled workforce. Job opportunities in this expanding field cover a wide array of opportunities — public health, clinicians, healthcare administrators, biotech, telemedicine, and the insurance industry. These roles are focused on integrating, interpreting, and managing health data, identifying and analyzing health and disease trends, and improving delivery and quality of care for patients across the globe.
By accelerating your career path through Bryant’s dual degree program, you’ll be equipped with the interdisciplinary knowledge and hands-on experience you need to thrive in this growing field.