A group of cadets from the Patriot Battalion Army ROTC.
A group of cadets from the Patriot Battalion Army ROTC.

Military Science/Army ROTC

Our ROTC program allows you to earn a degree in the field of your choice, as well as the bar of second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, National Guard, or Reserves.

At a Glance

What You’ll Learn:

  • Study for a bachelor’s degree in your area of interest while training with the Army ROTC, focusing on leadership development, military science, strategy, and problem-solving with practical, hands-on exercises

What You’ll Do:

  • Participate in classes, leadership labs, physical training, and field training exercises
  • Learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups, and conduct missions as an officer in the Army

Where You’ll Go:

  • Upon graduation from Army ROTC, you will be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the active Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserves with skills to be a leader for life

Program Highlights

Earn Recognition and Credentials

  • You may participate in the first two years of the ROTC curriculum without any post-college obligation.
  • Instruction by the Army ROTC will help you develop practical skills not only in military science, but also in leadership, strategy, and problem-solving.
  • In addition to receiving a degree in your program of choice upon graduation, you will earn the bar of second lieutenant and be commissioned into the Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard.
  • As a second lieutenant of the U.S. Army, you may immediately lead up to 44 men and women upon graduation, earning experience that is highly regarded in the business world.

Sample Courses

Our curriculum consists of engaging coursework that’s designed to prepare you for your future career. Just a few sample courses include: 

Introduction to Leadership and Military Skills with Lab MLTS 101
Fundamentals of Leadership II with Lab MLTS 102
Leadership and Decision Making with Lab MLTS 201
Principles of Military Leadership II with Lab MLTS 202
Training Management and Military Functions with Lab MLTS 301
Small Unit Leadership II with Lab MLTS 302
Cadets work on placing claymore mines during joint field training exercises.
A cadet fires his rifle during joint field training exercises.
Cadets test their agility on the obstacle course during joint field training exercises.

Cadets test their agility and skills during joint field training exercises.

About This Program