
Bryant Campus in Fall Martha Kuhlman Bryant AIC Bryant Campus Bryant Students and AIC

Martha Kuhlman

Martha Kuhlman received her PhD in Comparative Literature from NYU. She edited The Comics of Chris Ware: Drawing is a Way of Thinking (2010), published by the University Press of Mississippi, and has contributed chapters to a number of books on graphic novels, including Drawing From the Classics: Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works, The Cambridge Guide to the Graphic Novel, and Approaches to Teaching the Graphic Novel. She has published articles on Central European authors in World Literature Today, The Comparatist, and Modernism/Modernity, among other journals. She served on the MLA Forum on Comics and Graphic Narratives from 2012-2017, and served on the executive committee of the Comics Studies Society 2018-2019.

Most recently, she published Comics of the New Europe, co edited with Jos茅 Alaniz, with Leuven University Press in the summer of 2020.