Professor of Finance
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Professor of Finance with the following academic degrees: Ph.D. University of Michigan; M.B.A. Ohio State University; M.S. University of London; B.S. Bogazici University.
Ph D, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
MBA, Ohio State University
MS, Imperial College - University of London
BS, Bogazici University
Inci, A., Intraday Volatility Smiles, Day of the Week Effect, and Risk Management at Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange, .
Seyhun, N.,Inci, A., Degree of Integration between Brent Oil Spot and Futures Markets: Intraday Evidence, .
Inci, A., Cointegration and Causality in Capital Markets, Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 2018.
Inci, A., Efficiency of Brent Index and Futures Markets, Journal of International Finance and Economics, 2018.
Inci, A., Financials Sector Intraday Volatility Characteristics in the Emerging Turkish Economy, Eurasian Economic Review, 2018.
Inci, A., Anatomy of the Short Squeeze: Forecast Price Volatility, .
Inci, A., Do Insiders Exploit Supply Chain Disruptions?, .
Inci, A., Financials Sector Intraday Volatility Characteristics in the Emerging Turkish Economy, .
Inci, A., Financials Sector Intraday Volatility Characteristics in the Emerging Turkish Economy, .
Inci, A., Gender Issues in Finance, .
Inci, A., High Frequency International Financial Data and Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes, .
Inci, A., Intraday Volatility Smiles, Day of the Week Effect, and Risk Management at Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange, .
Inci, A., Market Accentuation, .
Inci, A., Market Anomalies in Emerging Markets, .
Inci, A., My Book Proposal on Contemporary Finance Accepted by Routledge, Routledge.
Inci, A., My Manuscript Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Finance is Accepted and is in Production by Routledge, Routledge.
Inci, A., Oil Futures , .
Inci, A., Social Responsibility of a Stock Exchange: Corporate Governance at Borsa Istanbul, .
Inci, A.,DiBlasi, L., Footballer Valuations: World Class Football Players, Positions, Attributes and Transfer Fees, .
Inci, A.,DiBlasi, L., Footballer Valuations: World Class Football Players, Positions, Attributes and Transfer Fees, .
Inci, A.,DiBlasi, L., Footballer Valuations: World Class Football Players, Positions, Attributes and Transfer Fees, International Journal of Business and Public Administration.
Inci, A.,Kuang, H., Book Chapter: Carbon Offsetting and Climate Innovation, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group .
Inci, A.,Lagasse, R., Cryptocurrencies: Applications and Investment Opportunities, .
Inci, A.,McCarthy, J.,Li, H., Flight to Quality for Large Financial Institutions, Banking and Finance Review.
Inci, A.,Ozenbas, D., Intraday Volatility and the Closing Auction at Borsa Istanbul, .
Inci, A.,Ozenbas, D., Intraday Volatility and the Closing Auction at Borsa Istanbul, .
Inci, A.,Seyhun, N., Degree of Integration between Brent Oil Spot and Futures Markets: Intraday Evidence, .
Inci, A.,Seyhun, N., Degree of Integration between Brent Oil Spot and Futures Markets: Intraday Evidence, .
Inci, A.,Seyhun, N.,Narayanan, M., Gender Differences in Executives' Access to Information, .
Inci, A.,Zbib, L., CEO General Ability and the Takeover Market, .
Inci, A.,Zbib, L., CEO General Ability and the Takeover Market, .
Li, H.,McCarthy, J.,Inci, A., Flight to Quality for Large Financial Institutions, Banking and Finance Review.
Ramirez, A.,Inci, A., Longevity of Corporate Lessons Learned from Natural Disasters in Emerging Countries 鈥 Chile vs. T眉rkiye, Journal of Emerging Market Finance.
Inci, A.,Field, J., Risk Translation: How Cryptocurrency Impacts Company Risk, Beta, and Returns, Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 2023.
Inci, A., My Book Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Finance is Accepted and is in Published by Routledge, Routledge, 2023.
Inci, A.,Field, J., Risk Translation: How Cryptocurrency Impacts Company Risk, Beta, and Returns, Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 2023.
Inci, A.,Field, J., Risk Translation: How Cryptocurrency Impacts Company Risk, Beta, and Returns, Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 2022.
Inci, A.,Ramirez, A.,Saraoglu, H., Anatomy of Intraday Volatility at the Chilean Stock Exchange, Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021.
Inci, A., Social Responsibility of a Stock Exchange: Corporate Governance at Borsa Istanbul, Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 2020.
Inci, A.,Lagasse, R., Cryptocurrencies: Applications and Investment Opportunities, Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 2019.
Inci, A.,Saraoglu, H., Two Diagrams with Many Stories: Incorporating Finance into Teaching Global Strategy, Journal of Teaching in International Business, 2019.
Inci, A.,Seyhun, N., Degree of Integration between Brent Oil Spot and Futures Markets: Intraday Evidence, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018.
Inci, A.,Ozenbas, D., Intraday Volatility and the Implementation of a Closing Call Auction at Borsa Istanbul, Emerging Markets Review, 2017.
Inci, A., Intraday Volatility Smiles, Day of the Week Effect, and Risk Management at Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange, Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Issues, Framework and Modeling, 2017.
Inci, A.,Seyhun, N.,Narayanan, M., Gender Differences in Executives' Access to Information, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017.
Inci, A.,Seyhun, N.,Narayanan, M., Gender Differences In Executives' Access To Information Synopsis, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, 2016.
Inci, A., Insider Trading Direction and Optional Wage Design, Journal of American Business Review, 2014.
Inci, A.,Li, H.,McCarthy, J., "Financial Contagion and Flight to Quality for Large Financial Institutions: A Local Correlation Analysis," with Can Inci and Hsi Li. Accepted for publication, Banking and Finance Review , 2014, Volume 6, Number 1, Banking and Finance Review, 2014.
Lee, B.,Inci, A., Dynamic Relations between Stock Returns and Exchange Rate Changes, European Financial Management, 2014.
Inci, A., Volatility in Large Stocks during the Market Open and Market Close at the Istanbul Stock Exchange, Journal of Emerging Markets, 2013.
Inci, A., Accentuated Intraday Volatility in Emerging Markets: The Turkish Stock Exchange, Journal of International Finance Studies, 2012.
Inci, A., Insider Trading Activity, Tenure Length, and Managerial Compensation, Global Finance Journal, 2012.
Inci, A.,McCarthy, J.,Li, H., Financial Contagion: A Local Correlation Analysis, Research in International Business and Financ, 2011.
Inci, A.,McCarthy, J.,Li, H., Measuring Flight to Quality:A Local Correlation Analysis, Review of Accounting and Finance, 2011.
Authorized representative of 麻豆影音 with the CAIA, 2024, 2024
Summer Research Grant, 2024, 2024
Bryant IB newsletter 2023 article on myself (6/27/2023), 2023
Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act and Title IX (Full Course), 2023, 2023
CTE (Center for Teaching Excellence) Mini-Grant Award, 2023, 2023
Faculty Achievement Award in Excellence in Teaching, 麻豆影音, 2023, 2023
Book interview with Sarah Linker and Karen Greco (4/20/2023), 2023
FEI (Financial Executives International) Boston Chapter Award Ceremony for Bryant Students (4/10/23), 2023
My book is published: My book is published: Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Finance, 2023, Publisher: Routledge, Oxford, UK and New York, NY; ISBN: 978-1-032-10115-6 (hbk), ISBN: 978-1-032-10112-5 (pbk), ISBN: 978-1-003-21369-7 (ebk), 2023, 2023
Authorized representative of 麻豆影音 with the CAIA, 2023, 2023
Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act and Title IX Full Course Training Certification, 2023, 2023
Summer Research Grant, 2023, 2023
CITI Biomedical Data or Specimens Only Research Certification, 2023, 2023
CITI Social & Behavioral Research Certification, 2023, 2023
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI): IRB Member Re-Certification , 2023, 2023
Bloomberg ESG Certification, 2023, 2023
CUIBE International Business Case Competition Fall Governance Meeting Luncheon (October 21,2022), 2022
International Business Outstanding Research Award, 2022
Merit Award, 2022, 2022
Summer Research Grant, 2022, 2022
Distinguished Reviewer: Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions, 2022
Summer Research Grant, 2021, 2021
Outstanding Paper Award 鈥 Literati Awards 2020 鈥 Awards for Excellence: 鈥楥ryptocurrencies: Applications and investment opportunities' Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 2021
Outstanding Contribution to Paper Reviewing 鈥 Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions 2020, 2021
Certificate in Effective College Instruction ACUE, 2021
CAIA Membership Awarded, 2020
CAIA Level II Exam Passed (November 25th, 2020), 2020
Faculty Achievement Award in Research and Publication, 2020
Merit Award, 2020
Sabbatical Award, 2020
Best Paper Award - Global Finance Track, 2020
Summer Research Grant, 2020, 2020
IDEA 鈥 Innovation and Design Experience for All 鈥 Mentor, 2019
Summer Research Grant, 2019
Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society, 2019
Passed the CAIA Level I Exam, 2019
Authorized representative of 麻豆影音 with the CAIA, 2018
Chartered Alternative Investments Analyst Association (CAIA) application for Bryant to become academic partner is accepted, 2018
Emerald Literati Award: Outstanding Reviewer for PSU Research Review: An International Journal, 2018
Merit Award, 2018
Bloomberg BMC Certification, 2017
Certification of Associate Professor and Full Professor degrees by Turkish Higher Education Council (Y脰K), 2017
IDEA 鈥 Innovation and Design Experience for All 鈥 Mentor, 2017
Santander Faculty Research Collaboration Grant, 2017
Summer Research Grant, 2017
IDEA 鈥 Innovation and Design Experience for All 鈥 Mentor, 2016
Merit Award, 2016
Summer Research Grant, 2016
European Financial Management Association Conference - Ph.D. Instructor: 2015 鈥淢erton H. Miller鈥 Doctoral Program - International Finance and Credit Rating Agencies, 2015
European Financial Management, Annual Top Download Award for 鈥楧ynamic Relations between Stock Returns and Exchange Rate Changes鈥, 2015, 2015
Passed the CFA Level I Exam, 2015
Summer Research Grant, 2015
Sabbatical at Cass Business School - City University of London, England, Fall 2014, 2014
Summer Research Grant, 2014
Sabbatical award, 2014
Best Paper Award 鈥 Paris International Academic Conference, 2013
麻豆影音 Student Managed Archway Fund Best Performance Award, 2013
Merit Award, 2013
Summer Research Grant, 2013
Best Paper Award 鈥 Las Vegas International Academic Conference, 2012
Best Paper Award, Global Finance Conference, 2012
Faculty Innovation Grant, 2012-2013, 2012
Summer Research Grant, 2012
Merit Award, 2011
Summer Research Grant, 2010
Summer Research Grant, 2009
Best paper award - European Applied Business Research Conference, 2007
Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant - Commission of the European Communities, 2007
Andima Best Paper in Fixed Income Award - Global Finance Conference, 2006
Best paper award - International Business and Economics Research Conference, 2002
Council on Research and Creativity Award - Florida State University, 2002
University of Michigan Business School and Rodkey Fellowship, 2000
Beta Gamma Sigma, Honor Society member, 1996
Sheldon B. Ackerman Award: Outstanding research project in business logistics, 1996
Weidler Scholar of highest academic excellence - Fisher College MBA Program, 1996
University Fellowship award - Ohio State University MBA program, 1995
British Council Scholarship, 1994
University of London fellow, 1994
Financial Planning Association (FPA) Member
CAIA Academic Partners Steering Committee member
SAS Inner Circle Panel
International Association for Quantitative Finance
Alumni Association of the University of Michigan
Association of North America Higher Education International
Risk Banking and Finance Society
Heifer International
International Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Energy and Commodity Finance Association
Middle East Economic Association
Turkish American Scientists & Scholars Association
American Turkish Society
Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce
Academy of Economics and Finance
Eurasian Business and Economics Society
Academy of International Business
Emerald Literati Network
American Economic Association
European Finance Association
Midwest Finance Association
Society for the Study of Emerging Markets
Southern Finance Association
Southwestern Finance Association
Western Finance Association
Association for Banking and Finance
Association of European Operational Research Societies
European Financial Management
Financial Management Association
Global Finance Association
American Finance Association
Professor of Finance