Jordan Smith 23

Jordan Smith ’23


Johannesburg, South Africa

Jordan Smith ’23 came to Bryant from halfway across the world, looking for a place he could call home. Not only did he find a supportive community thanks to the small class sizes and his close relationships with Bryant professors, but he’s also well-prepared for his future career as an actuary analyst at Uber. 

Why did you choose Bryant?

I chose Bryant because it’s a small school and the classrooms would be small, so I could really get to know my professors and have more of an impact on campus. I’m from South Africa, so when I was looking at colleges to attend that were going to be halfway across the world, I needed to make sure it was a place where I would feel at home — and that’s definitely Bryant. 

What are your future plans?

I majored in applied mathematics and statistics, and after college I’ll be moving to San Francisco and working as an actuary analyst for Uber. Bryant has really prepared me for that career. There are always professors who are willing to help you and amazing resources to ensure your success.

What’s a highlight of your Bryant experience? 

As an international student, moving onto campus was very intimidating for me, but my first RA helped me settle in and helped me become comfortable on campus. That experience is what pushed me into becoming an RA. Being an RA is extremely demanding, but it’s also extremely rewarding because people are relying on you to help them. Becoming an RA for me meant I got to help other people become comfortable on campus too, whether that meant putting on certain programs or helping them with their housing.

What’s your favorite place on campus?

One of my favorite places is the . They have a lot of VR headsets that you can put on and play Minecraft, visit the moon, play video games on Mars, be Spider-Man for the day. They always have something interesting and new every month. 

What advice would you give to future Bulldogs? 

Try everything that you can and go to all the clubs on campus. There are hundreds of clubs at Bryant and new ones forming every single year, and I can say that I’ve gone to a lot of them. It’s really interesting to broaden your horizons, and Bryant’s a great place to do that. 

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Taryn Rauff ’22
Taryn Rauff ’22

“Bryant has helped me succeed a lot academically. I’ve also built close relationships with my professors, who gave me research opportunities and furthered my understanding about biology. I don’t think I would have had as many of those opportunities in another school. I’ve been very grateful for that support.”

Zeke Kransdorf
Zeke Kransdorf '25

"I chose Bryant because of the opportunities it offered me regarding my dream career in sports broadcasting. I really liked the smaller class sizes because it gave me an opportunity to get to know my professors in a way that wouldn’t be possible at other schools."

Gracey Gioioso '25
Gracey Gioioso '25

"After I toured Bryant, I fell in love with the campus and felt at home. I saw myself fitting in and being able to succeed."