Steph Kotropoulos '26

Steph Kotropoulos '26


Old Bridge, NJ

Why psychology at Bryant?

I knew the School of Health and Behavioral Sciences was going to be a close-knit community and that I had the ability to create more personal relationships with my professors, which means a lot to me. 

And Bryant allows me to explore both paths of education — behavioral science and business — in a more cohesive way.

Do you have a favorite professor?

Professor Joe Trunzo's passion for psychology is absolutely infectious. He comes from such an extensive background that it makes learning fascinating; he can talk about so many personal experiences. He is wholeheartedly for the students.  

You have two minors. How do they complement your major? 

I am a management minor as well as a women, gender, and sexuality studies minor. I chose management to have a better sense of how to handle the different groups of people that I’ll encounter in my life. If I open my own practice one day, these skills will come in handy. 

I chose WGSS for my second minor because I want to pursue a career in sex therapy. I think human sexuality is one of the most fascinating things on the planet, and I know with the faculty on staff, I will dive deeper into the study more than I ever imagined. 

How are you involved on campus?

I am a proud member of the !

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

A headshot of Zachary Richardson.
Zachary Richardson '21

“There’s value to an education like this, even beyond the business things I’m learning. I want to be an educated member of society, and going to a university like Bryant helps you develop your understanding of the world and how you see life.â€

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"When I was looking at the research interests of the professors I would be studying under, I was really impressed that an institution known for business had such a talented politics and law faculty."

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"If you have an idea, just go with it and see where it takes you. Don’t be afraid to fail. You're going to learn from it."